The theory posits that the impact of the Tunguska meteorite altered Earth's geological and elemental structure, leading to the discovery of unknown, possibly alien minerals. These minerals are theorized to have extraordinary properties, including the potential to affect human aging and health, which are being secretly exploited in the Norilsk mines.

The narrative follows the protagonist, a miner's wife, who moves to Norilsk and begins to notice strange health changes in her family and others in the community, contrasting with her husband's inexplicable rejuvenation. This leads her to suspect secret experiments or the presence of rejuvenating minerals in the mine. The story intertwines local folklore, speculative science, and conspiracy, weaving a dense tale of intrigue and mystery, touching on themes of corporate exploitation, government cover-ups, and the ethical limits of human experimentation.
Agata Gaik
Agata Gaik (she/her) - a graduate of Theatre Knowledge and Performatics at Jagiellonian University. She mainly works on the relationship between esotericism and technology, and writes about the role of the Co-star app as a catalyst for relationships. In addition, she works on the cultural project Adult Colonies and at the Figure Theater.

Iza Koczanowska
Magda Malczewska